  • Connections, 2019

  • Wood, thread, nails

  • 13" x 9.5" x 1"

Connections is a sculpture depicting made and lost connections with friends. The piece looks back at the past, embrances the current, and aspires to the future. I wanted to show friendship over time by using red thread to symbolize new friends while the black thread symbolizes friends I have lost over time, such as moving away or losing interest in each other. The nails were to mimic the outline of an iPhone, but it got lost in wrapping of the thread. I thought that the image of an iPhone relates to how people meet and communicate with each other.In addition, the red thread is also used in Eastern culture mythologies as the Red Thread of Fate. In this myth, the gods tie an invisible red thread around the fingers of two people to show that they were destined to be together. However, in my iteration of the red thread, the interlacing of black thread shows that while the red thread cannot break, it can turn black to signify that a bond that is lost but not broken. The red thread continues beyond the piece to show that there are people we have not met yet and the future connections.